May 28, 2020
How can you turn COVID on its head? 🤔…
Have you been struggling to get your motivation back to be consistent for your runs?
Have you been running because you need that stress relief (and time away from your kids) but you are running through pain?…
In this episode, we are going to be sharing with you...
May 21, 2020
Have you ever been on a run and wondered 🤔…
Why does the front of my leg hurt when I run?
Were you thinking to yourself 💠[should I run through shin pain?]…
This can be common for new runners just starting out or can occur in experienced runners who are really stepping up their training with heavy duty...
May 14, 2020
Does adding yoga into your running make you a faster runner?
Rachel Pelham Serafino is a yoga instructor at Running Asana and shares the answers to these common questions as well as breaks down the physical 💪 and mental 🧠benefits that you will see as a runner.
Finally she gives us as runners tips on how we...
May 7, 2020
Are you starting to walk, jog, or run because your gym is closed or your other hobbies and activities are closed during COVID-19?
During this live interview with Catrina Aniballi, Duane and Catrina answer some common questions and provide 5 tips for runners to get started right after they listen to this episode.
In this...