Jul 27, 2023
Want to know what running injuries are safe to run through? As an injured runner you may have been told to stop running and rest in order to get rid of your pain.
Well-meaning medical professionals are just trying to make you feel better and get rid of your running injury and pain. However, this could be a recipe for...
Jul 20, 2023
Join Team Healthy Runner Half Marathon Training before we shut down enrollment on Monday 7/24/23!
Are you a runner with tight hips? Do you want to know what are the specific ways you can loosen your hips before your run? Unlock your running potential with these 4 essential hip mobility exercises!
In this episode,...
Jul 13, 2023
Join Team Healthy Runner Half Marathon Training
Are you looking to get faster in the half marathon or marathon distance?
Have you tried to hit a PR but you keep coming up empty? Feeling stuck with your running and you are not sure what you are doing wrong?
In this episode, coach Cat from our Spark Healthy...
Jul 6, 2023
[Download] How to Grow as a Runner (6 Steps)
Did you know that strength training is the foundation for running success? Many runners underestimate the importance of strength training, but it can make all the difference in your performance and injury prevention.
Matter of fact, it is one of the six steps to...